nobody wins in war
but makes everyone looser,
it begins with worry not worth.
war provoke us to hide the truth
and lie will cover us.
no body can find, what we really need.
we forget the meaning of culture,love and affection.
we just know ,hungry , angry, and assault.
we are very proud to say more and more about knowledge.
but we couldn't understand other human.
who has with same feelings , emotions and needs.
we forget what, what we really needs
that may never hurt others.
every war begins when we fails to understand others.
open you heart, know others, talk frankly.
never allow our mind to fill with lie.
and let our new generation to live in peace.
not to hope more from others which we cannot give..
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
shhores HYDERABAD India
ReplyDeleteTue Jul 28, 2009 3:37 PM
yes, lets hope...
poetengineer riyadh Saudi Arabia
ReplyDeleteTue Jul 28, 2009 6:56 PM
yes sabeel , you are right , this one is full of realistic words , thanks for share
spiritwalker dauphin, Manitoba Canada
ReplyDeleteFri Aug 21, 2009 2:11 AM
Hello from Canada
What a great job writing this I only hope that a lot of people understan what you are saying , you took the words out of my mouth young man I wish you and your country all the best and that the wars will end and that people will just get along and learn to respect each other take care
andrew149 Southbourne, nr.Bournemouth, Dorset, England UK
ReplyDeleteFri Aug 21, 2009 2:46 AM
Dear Poet Sabeel, some very wise words, I just wish that the politicans who disagree with each other realised them. One dreadful thing that keeps them going is they really think they can win, for they very rarely pay the cost,and, they believe the winners get to write the history books. Sometimes it's up to people like us to put them right after they have been written. Andrew